‘Always Patsy Cline’ dinner theater planned


Flowers From The Woods/626 Prod/WILLow LeaVes of Hope will present “Always Patsy Cline” during a dinner theater March 25 and 26 and April 1 through 3 and 8 through 10 at WILLow LeaVes of Hope, 326 Jackson St., Hope.

The play is a comical musical about legendary singer Patsy Cline and her friendship with a Texas housewife who is a big fan of hers. Their friendship is unusual and continues throughout Cline’s short but stellar career.

The cast includes Lisa Barrett of Seymour playing Cline, Naomi Fleetwood-Pyle and The Bodacious Bobcats Band. The play will be directed by Pete Law and produced by Naomi Pyle.

Doors open Friday and Saturday at 5:30 p.m.; dinner is at 6 p.m., and the play begins at 7 p.m. Sunday matinee doors open at 1 p.m.; dinner is at 1:30 p.m., and play begins at 2:30 p.m.

Tickets are $25 per person, which includes dinner and the play.

For reservations, call 812-546-0640.

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