Book group plans discussion of Benjamin book


Fantastic Fictioneers book discussion group will meet at 11 a.m. Friday to discuss “The Aviator’s Wife” by Melanie Benjamin at the Seymour Library, 303 W. Second St.

Charles Lindbergh’s wife, Anne Morrow, is the heroine of this story, which is written from her point of view.

There is no registration for this free book discussion, which is open to adults and teens.

Volunteers Maxine Darlage and Lou Shollenberger lead this group on the third Friday of each month. Participants may attend when they can, bring lunch to accommodate lunch breaks and check out a copy of the book at the Seymour Library checkout desk.

For information about library discussion groups, call Becky Brewer at 812-522-3412 ext. 1239.

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