Lucas sets forum on education board bill


A social media discussion between teachers and a state representative has evolved into a public forum scheduled for Thursday at a Seymour elementary school.

The discussion between teachers with the Seymour Education Association and state District 69 Rep. James Lucas, R-Seymour, began on Facebook when he was asked by teachers about House Bill 1609.

Some of the teachers had questions about what the bill would mean to the state superintendent of public instruction’s office.

The bill, if enacted, would allow members of the state board of education to pick a leader from among its members each year. Currently, state Superintendent of Public Instruction Glenda Ritz is automatically the board’s chairwoman.

On Monday, the House Education Committee passed the bill to the House floor with a favorable recommendation. Lucas, who is in his second term, is a member of that committee.

Lucas plans to meet with teachers and the public Thursday at Seymour-Redding Elementary School, 1700 N. Ewing St., at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the bill and other legislative issues.

Some of the teachers talking on social media with Lucas said they believed the bill would take away some of Ritz’s powers and negate the effects of the 2012 election which put Ritz, a Democrat, in office.

“No matter your political affiliation, this negates the electoral process,” Redding teacher Dee Beavers said.

Fellow teacher Kristin Lucas-Bear agreed.

“Glenda Ritz was overwhelmingly voted in to her position,” she said. “She even received more votes than Gov. (Mike) Pence in that election.”

She said the measure will allow Pence to appoint board members who might have no public education experience.

Lucas said the original purpose of the meeting, which he referred to as a Third House meeting, was so he could clear up misconceptions about the bill.

He said information provided by the author of the bill, state Rep. Jud McMillin, R-Brookville, shows the measure doesn’t strip the state superintendent of public education of her authority. All it does is say the State Board of Education can elect its own chairperson, and the superintendent of public instruction will remain on the Board of Education and can be selected as its chairperson, he said.

[sc:pullout-title pullout-title=”If you go” ][sc:pullout-text-begin]

What: Public meeting with state District 69 Rep. James Lucas, R-Seymour

When: 7:30 p.m. Thursday.

Where: Seymour-Redding Elementary School, 1700 N. Ewing St.


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