College’s steps good, but fans deserve more


(Bloomington) Herald-Times

Indiana University made big news with its Bill of Rights for student-athletes. Athletics Director Fred Glass and the university pledged IU’s commitment to all teen athletes who come to Bloomington to play for the Hoosiers. It was a forward-thinking, very responsible move, and we praised it here.

But based on the actions of the past few months, it appears to be a one-way commitment, at least from the men’s basketball team. Missing seems to be any sort of student- athlete Bill of Responsibilities.

Recently, there was the bad behavior that led to five basketball players being involved in three separate incidents involving alcohol in the past nine months. And one of the players, Emmitt Holt, was driving during an early-morning accident that badly injured another player. The other two suspensions were not related to that issue but rather reportedly for a failed drug test last summer.

One of those two, Stanford Robinson, already was involved in another alcohol incident. So Troy Williams makes six players who have been in trouble in the past nine months.

Glass and basketball coach Tom Crean should be embarrassed by the actions of this growing list of players. Crean, particularly, should be concerned his roster is beginning to draw comparisons to that of disgraced former IU coach Kelvin Sampson.

That isn’t fair based on academic achievement. But outside the classroom? The comparison is simply too close for comfort.

Hoosier fans want, expect and deserve better.

This was distributed by Hoosier State Press Association. Send comments to [email protected].

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