Reddington Rear-Wheelers holding antique tractor show at Hayden


The Reddington Rear Wheelers tractor club plans to conduct a tractor show from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. July 27 on the grounds of the Hayden Historical Museum, 6715 W. County Road 20S, Hayden.

Anyone can come and display their antique tractors, farm equipment, steam engines, hit-and-miss engines, garden tractors and lawn mowers during the show.

The club also will lead a ride at 8 a.m., so tractor owners who would like to go on the ride should be at the Kathy Maschino farm in Hayden before that time.

Another attraction that the participants and spectators can enjoy will be the tractor games that Mark Biehle will be conducting during the afternoon.

The public is invited to visit the show, and the Hayden Historical Museum, A Place Called Yesterday, the 1947 Sinclair gas station and the Sullivan Blacksmith Shop also will be open. Refreshments will be available during the day provided by Crazy Dave’s food truck.

Information: 812-592-8445 or email [email protected]

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