On This Day


100 years ago

Telephone pole smashed by auto

Four students of Hanover college miraculously escaped serious injury Sunday night at 11:35 o’clock when the Oakland touring car in which they were riding southbound, left the state highway at the first turn north of the Rockford bridge two miles north of Seymour, snapped a telephone pole off close to the base and plunged wildly into a field on the west side of the road for a distance of about fifty feet.

75 years ago

Freight derailed near retreat

Wrecking crews who this morning began work on clearing debris caused by derailment of 37 cars of a northbound Pennsylvania freight train one-half mile north of Retreat in southern Jackson County about 12 miles south of Seymour, hoped to have the line cleared for passenger train traffic this afternoon.

50 years ago

Highway Dept. seeking solution to problem

Apparently tired of complaints concerning tall weeds and grass along state highways, the Indiana State Highway Commission has responded with a research project aimed at developing a type of grass that will not grow so tall.

State officials said “highway neighbors complain when the grass isn’t mowed, complain when it is and complain about the money spent for mowing.”

25 years

Projects vie for Lilly funds

Seven community projects in Jackson County await final word on Lilly Endowment funding.

Last February the Community Foundation of Jackson County asked for input from county residents to assist it in selecting up to seven projects that it could endorse to the board of directors of Lilly Endowment Inc. for direct grants totaling $750,000. These direct grants are made possible as a part of Phase IV of Lilly Endowment’s GIFT program.

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