Library offering free adult, teen programs in January

The Jackson County Public Library is offering free programs for adults ages 18 and older in January at the Seymour Library.

Coffee Candle is at 10 a.m. Jan. 12. Registration is required by Jan. 10, and there is a limit of 10 people. Interested adults can join the wait list for this craft.

Gnome Craft is set for 2 p.m. Jan. 24. Interested adults will use yarn and a clay pot to make a gnome. Registration is required by Jan. 22, and there is a limit of 10 people.

The library also is offering a program for teens in grades 6 to 12. Slick Stickers is at 5 p.m. Jan. 11. Registered teens will design and make stickers. Registration is required by Jan. 9 with a limit of 10.

Registration for programs is available online at

For information about library programs and events, visit, follow the library on Facebook at or call 812-522-3412, option 4.