Loyal Devoir Society


Lucy Dembek welcomed 13 members to the April 16 meeting of the Loyal Devoir Society of Central Christian Church in Seymour.

Cindy Bach gave devotions written by Jan Brock.

The secretary’s report was read, and Betty Guinn gave the treasurer’s report. Both reports were approved.

Bonnie Koontz had cards on display. She had a sale May 1 with Bach and Dembek as helpers.

Bach gave the board report in absence of Loretta Riehl. Security at the church was discussed and planned.

Under old business, there were several good comments about the Mother’s Tea conducted April 17.

The bake sale was May 4. Members volunteered to set up and help.

The Delta Kappa Gamma dinner will be at 6 p.m. May 17. The menu was decided, and members are to bring pies.

Discussion was conducted on the condition of the kitchen closet. Storage boxes and shelves were suggested to organize items better. It was decided to continue discussion the next meeting.

Guinn had two requests for the group to consider. One was a donation to send a high school student on a mission trip, and the other was a donation to Todd’s Place.

It was decided to give donations to a student who is a member of the church for a mission trip and to Todd’s Place. Stafford seconded.

The next meeting is May 24, which is the group’s birthday party and line dancing by Marvin Rumph.

The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction.

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