Free COVID-19 testing is taking place this week at Seymour High School in the baseball field/soccer field parking lot along Lasher Drive.
Look for the signs at Community Drive, Second Street and Lasher Drive.
Testing is available from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. today, Friday and Saturday. It’s available for symptomatic health care workers, first responders, essential workers and those who live in the same residence with a symptomatic health care worker, first responder or essential worker.
Others who are asymptomatic who fall into the high-risk categories (65 or older, overweight, compromised immune system and all other compromising health conditions) are eligible for testing, too.
Patients must be at least 12 years old. People with a driver’s license or state-issued identification card must present those.
Tests will be conducted as long as supplies last and will be limited to one individual per vehicle.
The testing, which started Wednesday in Seymour, is being conducted by the Indiana State Department of Health. Employees of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management and Indiana State Police and members of the Indiana National Guard are assisting.