Seymour City Extension Homemakers Club meets at Camp Pyoca


Four members of Seymour City Extension Homemakers Club attended Achievement Night on May 9 at Camp Pyoca. Country Friends Club was the host.

The theme for the night was "HOME: Where Memories are Made." Each table was decorated with a special memory by a hosting club member.

County vice-president Kathy Blandford welcomed attendees and Olga Otte of Kum Join Us opened with prayer. A delicious meal was catered by the Camp Pyoca team. Freetown Friends led the Pledge of Allegiance and club creed.

Kathy Blandford spoke about preserving memories. She shared some of her personal memory books and provided information to help others in preserving their won memories.

Cootie and bingo games were played. Nancy Hammond won a bingo prize, and she also won a door prize. Vicki Tritle accepted the scholarship certificate on behalf of the Seymour City Club.

County President Audrey Luecke presided over installation of 2019/2020 county officers. They are Kathy Blanford, president; Peggy Carmichael, vice-president; Eunice Lacey, secretary; and Nina Hackman, treasurer.

The next meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Thursday at Pizza Palace.

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