Jackson County Farm Bureau meets


Jackson County Farm Bureau met April 25 at the Farm Bureau office in Seymour.

Devotions were given by Nina Vehslage entitled "Hardworking Farmers."

Roll call was answered by 15 members and guests from the Medora FFA chapter. They were Kaitlyn Cobb, Rachel Jones, Keyla Newby, Victoria Murphin and adviser Ashley Shoemaker.

Meghan Bartells led an activity based on the book "The Energy Bus" by Jon Gordon.

The Medora FFA chapter gave a presentation about its greenhouse project. The board approved $600 for the project.

Mary Koevener read the secretary’s report. The treasurer’s report was approved as presented.

Richard Beckort announced the two-day Fun with Nature Day Camp at Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge.

Steve Cessna gave a report on insurance activities.

Scholarship information was shared that graduating high school students Taylor Hunter of Medora High School would be receiving $1,000 and Megan Ritz of Seymour High School would be receiving $800 toward their freshman year of college.

Carolyn Shoemaker was thanked for all of her years of participation in Farm Bureau.

Young Farmers for Jackson County are Brittany Ross and Bartells.

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