Seeking Hope Recovery Rally set at Shields Park


Seeking Hope Recovery Rally set at Shields Park

The Recovery Action Team from the Jackson County Drug-Free Council is conducting the Seeking Hope Recovery Rally from noon to 3 p.m. Saturday at Shields Park, 600 N. Broadway St., Seymour.

The three speakers will be Love Lockman, Jennifer Hopkins and Kelly Brown.

Crane Hill will play music, while The Alley will serve sandwiches

There also will be several booths set up with a variety of resources. They include Trinity United Methodist Church, Surge, Anchor House Family Assistance Center and Pantry, Hidden in Plain Sight/Children’s Bureau, Anthem, Ogilville Christian Church, Leaving the 99, Todd’s Place, Jackson County Drug-Free Council, Double Down Outreach, Centerstone, Jackson County United Way, C.A.R.E.S. Clinic, Teens for Change/Turning Point Domestic Violence Services, The Alley and more.

The free event is open to the public.

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