Ladies Aid 3 meets at Immanuel Lutheran Church


Tribune Staff Reports

Immanuel Lutheran Ladies Aid 3 met May 21 in the fellowship hall of the Seymour church.

Hostesses Ginny Fenton and Sue Foster selected Hymn 480, verses 1 and 2, and Psalm 119, read in unison.

Roll call was answered by 18 members and one guest, Jennie York, who was introduced.

President Linda Kamman welcomed everyone and introduced Vicar Tyler Werner to give the topic. He discussed “Operation Centurion Shield,” which was initiated by former Vicar Coleman Gerraci and the first meeting was Veterans Day weekend.

Approximately 60 to 65 veterans and their spouses shared photos, medals and other memorabilia. They met again May 8 and are planning a community cookout June 30 at Gaiser Park. A great turnout is expected. It’s a great way to give back to the veterans.

Pastor Andrew Curraro of Redeemer Lutheran Church introduced Bethel Phinn, a recent graduate of Trinity High School from Cambodia. He is the second member of his family to graduate from Trinity. Bethel’s father, Pastor Maro Phinn, is the director in Cambodia. Bethel’s goal is to attend a Concordia University and become a pastor.

Kamman requested the secretary and treasurer’s reports be given. Jane Pardieck made a motion to give the money made on the silent auction to the church office for printing supplies. The motion passed.

Carlana Able reported on the activity for June. The group planned go to Batar on Tuesday for a meal and a play, “Love Letters.”

Visitations in April were by Able and Evelyn Krebs. June visitations were by Pat Weasner and Marlis Kilgas.

Sandee Helwig sent 95 letters to former vendors and has received 66 responses reserving 85 booths for the 2019 craft show. Seven are new and one is a returning vendor from previous shows. A co-chairperson is still needed.

Rosalie Grabinski discussed the lunch menu prices. Pardieck made a motion to raise the prices 50 cents, and after discussion, it was decided to table the motion for now.

There will be a bake sale Aug. 18 at the fellowship hall, and all members are asked to participate. The entire congregation is invited to contribute and purchase items. All of the proceeds will go to mission projects.

There will be no hostesses for June. The meeting adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer.

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