School board candidates, contractor selection on council agenda


The Brownstown Town Council has a full agenda for its meeting at 6 p.m. Monday at the town hall, 200 W. Walnut St., Brownstown.

The wastewater, police and street departments will give monthly activity and business reports.

The council will discuss ordinances for a sewer connection permit application process and fee and sewer connection engineering fees.

Plan Commissioner Conner Barnette will introduce an ordinance to rezone 419 S. Main St. from residential (R-5) to downtown business (DB) and discuss the need to appoint four members to the town’s plan commission.

Four school board candidates also will speak to the council. They are Mary Ann Spray, Rhonda Fountain, Jon Robison and Adam Nicholson. The council plans to announce its appointment to the Brownstown Central Community School Corp. board of trustees during a meeting in June.

Also, the council will select the contractor for the town hall and police department building renovation project.

Council meetings are open to the public and press.

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