Friends and Neighbors meets in Seymour


The Friends and Neighbors Home Extension Club met April 23 in the parlor at Cornerstone Community Church in Seymour.

Nine members responded to roll call by telling what they had done for Earth Day.

The treasurer’s report showed an ending balance of $24.54 after sending $20 for the Jackson County 4-H clubs. There was $34.56 remitted from the friendship tin, leaving a zero balance.

Both the treasurer and the secretary reports were approved as presented.

President Ruby Niccum reported on the council meeting. The group is still in need of a vice president for the Jackson County officers.

Achievement Night was scheduled for May 9 at Camp Pyoca. It was decided to count this as the group’s May meeting.

Niccum reminded the group to search for a candidate to enter the fair queen contest.

Niccum presented a lesson on consumer horticulture. Members enjoyed watching a movie on the life of Billy Graham.

Refreshments were served by hostess Donna Abner.

The next meeting will be June 25 at Ruth Bateman’s home.

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