Special Olympics Area 2 meet set for Saturday in Seymour


The Special Olympics Indiana Area 2 track and field meet will start at 9 a.m. Saturday at Seymour High School’s Bulleit Stadium.

During the opening ceremonies, each of the teams from programs in the southern part of the state will parade around the track. That will include Jackson County’s team, which has around 20 athletes.

Then athletes will compete in sprints, distance runs, assisted and unassisted walks, wheelchair races, a 4×100 relay, softball throw, mini javelin, running long jump, standing long jump, shot put, tennis ball throw and target throw.

The meet will end around 3 p.m.

There is a chance of rain, but the meet will go on. If thunder and/or lightning occur, there will be a delay, but events will proceed even with rain.

The public is invited to come and watch the meet.

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