Bedford District Extension Homemakers March Meeting


State and district officers outlined coming events and reported on recent activities when Bedford District Extension Homemakers met March 10 at the First Christian Church shelter house in Scottsburg.

Stephanie Jerabek, Indiana Extension Homemakers state vice president, said the state convention will be June 13, 14 and 15 in Indianapolis under the theme of “Making Friends Worldwide.” She covered crafts, lessons, tours and business sessions that will occur in the three-day meeting at the Indianapolis Sheraton.

Cathy Cook, state president-elect, talked about the NVON area meeting July 19, 20 and 21 in Normal, Illinois, and the Associated Country Women of the World triennial conference Aug. 17 through 23 in Coventry, England. She discussed the Water Around the World project, which has ended, and the new project, Eat Local, Eat Healthy. Homemakers have contributed $149,802 to the ongoing Purdue Cancer Research Fund.

Jeanine Arnett, outgoing state president, handed out certificates to those who had served on state committees and encouraged members to keep the organization strong and growing.

Lois Ketterer, district representative, presided. She introduced incoming representative Diane Oliver of Scott County and announced the winner of the first timer award to the conference, Brenda Moyna, also of Scott County.

Extension educators Annette Lawler of Harrison County and Gail Peitzmeier of Crawford County presented a program “Don’t Let Diabetes ‘Jeaopardize’ Your Health” in the form of a Jeopardy quiz show.

Attending from Jackson County were Eunice Lacey, Doris Kovener and Carol Wait. The fall district meeting will be Sept. 16 in Jackson County.

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