Considering eternity keeps times of difficulty in perspective


Last time, we considered some of the key qualities of the struggles we all inevitably face in life. On a positive note, it is good to know that our struggles typically won’t last forever. Problems are not permanent.

The valley is not where you have to stay your entire life. Some people may choose to stay in the valley, but that is not necessary. The struggles we face in life are typically circumstances and situations that last for a season. They don’t come into your life to stay.

It should also be pointed out that some struggles are self-imposed. Those struggles will stick around until you choose to change. But the typical struggles we face in life are temporary and, handled properly, they will pass.

In Psalm 23:4, David talks about walking through his valley. There is no need to camp out in the valley. You can choose to keep moving and keep pressing forward.

Peter talks about the temporary nature of struggles in 1 Peter 1:6, where he said, “You have to endure many trials for a little while.” He admitted that sometimes you’re going to go through tough times. It may be rough in certain seasons. But keep this in mind it’s only for a little while.

If you are in the midst of struggle today, be sure to do your part to keep pressing on to the other side. There is no need to stay put and pout. The Apostle Paul said, “Our present troubles are light and momentary” (2 Corinthians 4:17). They won’t last long in the eternal scheme of things.

Sometimes, we need to be reminded that there is wonderful joy ahead. This is really about maintaining a positive perspective in life.

Paul was actually talking about heaven. In heaven, there are no more struggles, no more heartache, no more problems, no more pain, no more valleys and no more dark or difficult days. Those things are short term. They won’t last long in the big picture.

If you have a relationship with Jesus Christ, you have a lot to look forward to. Paul is saying don’t get discouraged.

Even if you live 80 or 90 years on this earth, and even if you have one problem after another your entire life, that is so insignificant compared to the hundreds and thousands and even millions of years in eternity that will be problem free.

That helps keep things in perspective. Your struggles are probably a temporary companion in this life, but they really won’t matter at all in eternity.

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